Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Ship Shape?

I've recently begun an 8 week shape up plan to get my bod in tip top shape in time for my Birthday Bash! My husband is planning a fierce party and I can hardly wait! (ok actually I figure the more ppl I tell about the fierceness, the more likely it'll happen!) And yes in case you're wondering, it is a milestone birthday. But I'm not in the least bit anxious about it. Honest.

For those who know me, I'm consistently in pretty decent shape but I always like to "raise the barre". That being said, one way I found to kick it up a notch or two is Physique 57. The creators are Shelley and Tanya. Together they are yoga and pilates queens and they've devised workouts to lengthen and strengthen every muscle in your body. I used the 3 DVD's 2-3 times per week and over the course of 6 months, changed the shape of my body. Nothing feels better than gettin down and doin 15 REAL push-ups! I am a Thigh Warrior! Cellulite bye-bye!

Last spring, I researched endlessly for a superior and effective cleanse without the use of drugs. I found the Master Cleanse: fresh squeezed lemon, maple syrup, cayenne pepper and water. All ingredients have to be specific types of the previous list so please don't just mix up what you just read and try to live on that for a couple weeks; its much more complex. After a 3 day intro to adjust my body to a liquid diet, I drank lemonade about every hour and a half every day for 10 days. At the end of the 3 day re-intro I was allowed to eat as usual. Of course the whole idea of a cleanse is to adopt an "eat clean" mentality and be mindful of what you put back in your body. I felt absolutely fantastic during and after the 16 day cleanse. I kicked caffeine and had no side effects. I lost about 7 lbs but that wasn't the point; I wanted to allow my body a break from processed foods and give it a chance to repair. Fast forward to today and you'll find I do drink black coffee but about half of what I used to, I don't eat beef or pork and overall avoid all processed foods. I'd do it again and recommend it to most. It does take inner strength and preparation to ensure success, but I even went to a house warming party with my husband and drank my lemonade while everyone else had liquor!

My most recent endeavor will include a 4 week boot-camp through of 3 sessions per week. A good friend just went through the program and lost 3% body fat in 4 weeks. That's fantastic!

All in all I'm looking forward to the future and though some may see this milestone as the end of an era, I'm reminded of the late Dr. Kinsey who said, "Women don't get started until they're thirty." Ms. Monroe thought the sex researcher was speaking the truth so I think I'm safe to assume the best is yet to come. ;)