Tuesday, January 11, 2011

New Year New You? Please darling......

A touch of seriousness for you. All this New Year garb being thrust at us from all directions inspired me to share some thoughts. Some inner beauty so to speak.

A new year brings that old familiar feeling to the forefront.....time for a new you! Nicotine patches fly off the shelves, AA meetings are at full capacity and one must beg, borrow or steal their way onto a public treadmill. All these optimistic "resolutioners" nic-ing out, cramping up and white-knuckling their way through January. Truth be told 90% will be back boozing, smoking and stagnant by months end. These high hopes and lofty goals slowly seem unattainable and will soon be a discouragement rather than the inspiration originally intended. It's a damn shame. But we do it to ourselves. Did we spend December finding moral support, researching new-age nutrition or visiting a health professional? Probably not. Instead we drank rum and egg nogg, ate pounds of garlic mash potatoes and gravy and smoked a pack a day till midnight New Year's Eve. (most of us I'm sure continued our vices well into the wee hours of New Years Day if we're truly being honest right?)

For these reasons I despise new year resolutions. But don't fret. Even if you've already fallen off the wagon there's still hope. And here's the secret............never make another resolution. What?!! you say! But if I can't set goals for myself how can I make changes? You still can. In fact, the N Y R wasn't your goal, it was a deadline created by society to pad someone else's pocket and empty yours. How much IS a gym membership these days?

Change must start with you. Are you ready? Not should I or will I, but are you? Education is the key. Learn all you can before you start. Any resolution pertaining to health should always begin with a visit to your doctor. They are a wealth of information and can help you access support that will streamline you for success. Whatever you thought you knew, do know or currently practice can be thrown out with the wrapping paper your city can't recycle. Why you ask? Well to put it quite simply, how's it working so far? That's what I thought. If you are truly ready and admit you're a complete idiot when it comes to kicking your old habits, you're already much farther ahead than you were at the stroke of twelve. (or 2am in most cases)

There's no greater style insult than a beautiful coat that reeks of cigarettes, a broken heel caused by 3 too many crantini's or such injustice to a garment it's about to burst at the seams. Not to mention all of the above and the ghastly effects on your complexion. Yikes.

Let's get ourselves together ladies. And remember, we aren't looking for a "New Year, New You". Instead, we're uncovering the awe-inspiring knock-out of a "you" that was there all along. Not new but certainly improved.


  1. I like the idea of not calling them resolutions. They're just new goals. Definition of a goal, attainable and measurable.

  2. I prefer "healthy life style" change, feels good, & the focus is on long term commitment :)
